ALTERNATE aTTaX vs Nemiga Gaming
Nemiga (#24) vs ALTERNATE aTTaX (#50)
Map prediction: Mirage (Nemiga's pick), Vertigo (ALTERNATE aTTaX's pick) and Inferno (Decider).
This is BO3 Consolidation final of Nemiga vs ALTERNATE aTTaX in ESEA MDL Season 34 Europe. Nemiga is in higher rank than ALTERNATE aTTaX. ALTERNATE aTTaX's performance recently is better with 4 of their players have better HLTV's rating and with 3 wins and 2 loses out of their 5 last matches. Nemiga's form is better than ALTERNATE aTTaX. Statistically ALTERNATE aTTaX is better in Vertigo and Inferno with 82% win rate in 17 matches for Vertigo and 70% win rate in 10 matches for Inferno but Nemiga could win in Mirage with 76% win rate in 25 matches. Finally ALTERNATE aTTaX win the head to head againts Nemiga with 1 win and 0 lose. So i think that ALTERNATE aTTaX gonna win this match closely.
Game | Pick | Bookmaker | Odds | Stake | Result |
ALTERNATE aTTaX | 2.27 | 6 | Loss |