2019-04-22 13:40:00
Gambit Esports

BOOM ID vs Gambit Esports

2019-04-22 05:16:56Posted by rainpainter

I strongly think that in that opening match of Dota Pit Minor Gambit Esports will simply crush BOOM ID.

1. The fact is that it's two teams that much differ by the level of play. If we talk about Gambit, in my opinion, they are in top-10 teams of the Western world. Maybe it's not the best achievement ever, but decent enough for this match.

2. Boom ID are doing well now... If we talk about the play in SEA. This lineup doesn't look strong, opponents they won are not that strong, they don't really participate in any notable tournaments. The fact is they are good internal, but we can't say this about the international scene.

3. If we talk about the current plays of teams, i want to say that Gambit improved their game a lot in the last couple of months - they reached the next level of play. And about BOOM ID - in my opinion they can't go higher then they are.

I don't want to place 9-10 stake just due to CIS mentality and a small possibility that Gambit will simply throw the game. But i am sure in their victory.

Gambit Esports (-1.5) Bet365 1.83 7 Loss


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