FaZe Clan
2018-11-11 00:20:00
Team Liquid

FaZe Clan vs Team Liquid

2018-11-10 06:48:46Posted by rainpainter

I want to believe that Liquid will not allow Faze to win the match, they don't deserve to go to the finals :P

But if to say honestly, sure, Faze is favored here. We can see two teams: one at the peak of its conditions (individually, Faze), second is on the depth (individually, as a team also, Liquid).

But the thing is that CS:GO in the team game. Faze, that started the transition to accent on tactics, immediately stopped it right after the Epicenter. They still think their individual play can bring them to the top.

Someone has to stop them. Why not Liquid? If the Americans will prepare decently enough to the match, they will take down Faze 2-0.

I believe that today conditions of the teams will matter less than principle.

Team Liquid 1xBet 2.60 8 Win


vvvv 2018-11-11 09:15:24

Very nice!
