Fnatic vs SK Gaming
Before the match of the week, we have a rather fascinating clash between the former "kings of Europe" Fnatic, and a team that is quite hard to read at the moment: SK Gaming. Even though evaluating SK's potential isn't the easiest task right now, one thing is for certain: they're one of the worst teams in the region.
They're not bad by any means, they're just not good enough to compete at the highest of levels. Or even with middle-of-the-pack teams. Their most recent loss to Misfits Gaming was as bad of a showing as humanly possible. They failed to mount an offensive, they looked out of sorts and out of strategy, they were scattered across the map and couldn't sync at any point in the game. To look that bad is one thing; to look that bad against a team that many deemed was the worst in the region is a completely different matter, and it's much worse. SK Gaming didn't necessarily have to win against Misfits Gaming, but they needed to look a lot better than they did. They had more experience and a lot more potential (at least early on into the split while Misfits are still synergizing). And yet they looked abysmal from start to finish.
Because of this, it's impossible to give SK the benefit of the doubt, not just for this one game but in general for the foreseeable future. They're simply too weak at this point in time to actually be competitive. Obviously that's going to vary on a game to game basis, but the point still stands.
Opposite them, we have Fnatic. The former kings have looked fantastic overall, albeit not perfect. Their first week was a bit too shaky for comfort, but in true Fnatic fashion, they've improved quite a bit in an incredibly short amount of time. Again, they're not without fault, and they're certainly far less dangerous than the Fnatic of 2019, but they're getting there with each game they play. Adapting with an entirely different jungler is no small challenge, especially if it's a different stylistic match. Fnatic are doing far better than most expected, especially considering just how bad they're known for starting at the beginning of the season.
In the end, we simply have to side with the boys in black and orange. They're better lane for lane, they're more experienced, talented, and have shown far better League of Legends in their first three games when compared to SK Gaming.
Game | Pick | Bookmaker | Odds | Stake | Result |
Fnatic | 1.23 | 8 | Win |