2019-03-26 17:30:00


2019-03-26 08:25:51Posted by rainpainter

This is gonna be quarter-final of ESEA MDL, and i believe that Forze is slightly overestimated here.

1. If we take a look on the last results of Forze, they are in beasty shape after last roster changes made like a couple of months ago. But the thing is that recently they are started to going down – you can't be always on the peak of your conditions. They lost 3 matches out of last 5, and they are coming to this game not in their best.

2. If we talk about Alternate Attax, well... I can't say anything really good about them. They are not doing decent in current lineup and i believe that the fact they passed to play-off is mostly about luck. But in case of not the best shape of Forze, they have more chances than usual.

3. Draft of the maps. ATN don't play Nuke, Forze don't play Cache. We have 5 maps left, on 2 of which Forze will have a big advantage - Dust2 and Train. Other are pretty equal.

I believe that Alternate Attax will fight strongly on their own pick, but the whole win should go to Forze (though depends on decider map). We have too good odd on a one maps for ATN to miss it.

ALTERNATE aTTaX (1.5) Betway 2.05 8 Win


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