forZe vs Team Spirit
forZe ranked #13 from Russia are clashing against Spirit ranked #28 also from Russia in the WESG 2019 Russia Finals that has two teams only clashing for the prize pool of the WESG 2019 Global Finals. The tournament is played on Kirov, Russia, and this is the best of 3 type of match.
Map highlights in the last three months for
forZe: Train with 85,7% win rate on seven played maps - WON/TIED/LOST - 6/0/1, Inferno 81,8% on 11 played maps 9/0/2, Mirage 71,4% on seven played maps 5/0/2, Dust2 66,7% on three played maps 2/0/1, Nuke 53,8% on 13 played maps 7/0/6, Vertigo 25,0% on four played maps 1/0/3, and Overpass with 0,0% win rate on two played maps 0/0/2.
They played four maps in February and won one, converted, they played two matches and won none. In January, they played 12 maps and won nine; in other words, they played five games and won four. During December, they played 25 maps and won 16; in other words, they played 11 games and won nine. In November, they played six maps and won four, converted, they played three games and won two.
Map performance in the previous three months for Spirit: Mirage is at 80,0% win rate on 15 played maps - WIN/DREW/LOSS - 12/0/3, Dust2 72,7% on 11 played maps 8/0/3, Inferno 71,4% on seven played maps 5/0/2, Nuke 66,7% on 12 played maps 8/0/4, Train 54,5% on 11 played maps 6/0/5, Vertigo 50,0% on two played maps 1/0/1, and Overpass with 33,3% win rate on three played maps 1/0/2.
They played 34 maps in February and won 24, converted, they played 16 matches and won 13. In January, they played seven maps and won five; in other words, they played three games and won two. In December, they played 20 maps and won 12, converted, they played ten games and won six.
OK, so only two teams in this tourney, the winner takes it all, the spot for the WESG main event, which is really a nice prize to be won. The odds favor forZe since they are better ranked. Coming from the same region, both teams played a lot of head-to-head games, and the score is 5 wins for forZe and 3 wins for Spirit.
Good luck to all who bet, and don't forget to gamble responsibly!
Game | Pick | Bookmaker | Odds | Stake | Result |
forZe | 1.83 | 7 | Loss |