FunPlus Phoenix
(5 years ago)
LGD Gaming

FunPlus Phoenix vs LGD Gaming

29 Jul 2020 - 02:07Posted by Guedo

- The LGD Gaming team has a victory rate of 35.4% against 63.3% for the FunPlus Phoenix team.

- In the last 5 matches the LGD Gaming team won 2 against 4 win from FunPlus Phoenix team.

- The FunPlus Phoenix team won the last 2 direct matches against the LGD Gaming team.

I see this match favorable to the victory of the FunPlus Phoenix team.

FunPlus Phoenix 1xBet 1.74 10 Win


Talent 2020-07-29 18:30:57

The Phoenix team will pull out a straight will after they keep a clean sheet l guarantee a win no draw
