G2 Esports
(4 years ago)
FURIA eSports

G2 Esports vs FURIA eSports

14 Jan 2021 - 18:01Posted by joker1993

G2 and FURIA will be playing at BLAST Premier Global Final 2020. A million-dollar battle featuring the best teams on the planet: what could be better in these cold days?

Since HEN1 left to play with his brother, Brazilians signed Junior from Triumph. It's still unknown if he'll attend to this tournament, and there's a big mistery will the Brazilians AWP player play on this tournament with FURIA.

That's enough for me to go with Europe team G2, and one of my favorit player in the world, Nikola "NiKo" Kovač.

Good game and have fun :)

G2 Esports 1xBet 1.60 10 Win


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