G2 Esports
(4 years ago)
FURIA eSports

G2 Esports vs FURIA eSports

19 Jan 2021 - 16:01Posted by LeOverFlow

It's very hard to predict outcome of this match. Odds are very inaccurate. G2 is insanely unpredictable and betting on them at 1.3 odds is pure suicide. G2 is better on Dust and Mirage, while Furia on Inferno and Vertigo. All other maps are big unknown. We will probably see G2 picking Nuke/Mirage and Furia picking Inferno. I can't see G2 winning on Inferno vs Furia and i can't see Furia winning on Mirage vs G2. Even though stats suggests that G2 is better on Nuke it can go either way. That's why I put my bet on Over 2.5 - probably the least risky bet here. The only thing that can mess my prediction is Furia hard underperforming with Honda or G2 completely trolling Nuke, but let's hope that won't happen.

Over 2.5 Betway 2.05 10 Win


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