G2 Esports
(5 years ago)
Natus Vincere

G2 Esports vs Natus Vincere

09 Jun 2020 - 08:06Posted by photographytz9

Navi last match was such 4 wins 1 defeat while G2 team 2 wins and 3 defeats I think today the situation will be completely different if compared to the overall average g2 and navi it ​​they have 6 Win and 7 Win I think today is the time for G2 to do comeback and win against the navi team because when they played in katowice in march getting against the navi 3 match losing i think today will tie up and win like the once g2 team up and won against the faze team. This is a bet where the odds are stable since today came to make big profits.

G2 Esports 1xBet 2.28 10 Win


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