Helsinki REDS vs KOVA Esports
hREDS ranked #116 from Finland are clashing against team KOVA ranked #69 also from Finland in the LanTrek 2020 that has four teams competing for the prize pool of $10,847. This tournament is played on LAN in Tampere, Finland, and this is the best of 3 type of match.
Map highlights for team hREDS in the last three months: Mirage is at 100,0% win rate on one played map - WON/TIED/LOST - 1/0/0, Nuke 50,0% on two played maps 1/0/1, Inferno 0,0% on two played maps 0/0/2, Train 0,0% on two played maps 0/0/2, and Overpass with 0,0% win rate on only one played map 0/0/1.
They played seven maps in February and won two, converted, they played four matches and won one. In January, they played one map, which they lost to Defusekids 10-16 on Inferno.
Map performance in the previous three months: Vertigo is at 66,7% win rate on three played maps - WON/TIED/LOST _ 2/0/1, Dust2 60,0% on five played maps 3/0/2, Mirage 50,0% on four played maps 2/0/2, Nuke 50,0% on four played maps 2/0/2, Overpass 50,0% on two played maps 1/0/1, and Train with 33,3% win rate on three played maps 1/0/2.
They played ten maps in February and won five, converted, they played six matches and won three. During January, they played ten maps and won six, converted, they played five games and won three. In December they played one match which they lost to MELBET on Dust2 with 16-19.
OK, so hREDS lost their first match against HAVU with 2-0 (9-16 on Overpass, and 10-16 on Train), while on the other side, KOVA also lost their first match against SJ with 2-0 (11-16 on Vertigo, and 8-16 on Train). This is the 3rd place decider, and the prize is $1,085, which is not a lot, but besides that, they can get better placement on the global ladder but bear in mind that also they can throw an earn 10x more, so yeah, don't bet a lot. Head-to-head the score is 5 wins for hREDS and 6 wins for KOVA.
Good luck to all who bet, and don't forget to gamble responsibly!
Game | Pick | Bookmaker | Odds | Stake | Result |
Helsinki REDS | 2.03 | 1 | Loss |