2022-07-03 23:30:00
100 Thieves

Immortals vs 100 Thieves

2022-07-03 23:02:16Posted by Petar

We're three weeks in and, well, it's quite obvious that Immortals are not fit to compete. They have nothing to offer and are noticeably less capable — and talented — than the rest of their peers. To make things even more puzzling, their current roster isn't even all that bad. Revenge, PowerOfEvil, and IgNar are all great players. They might not be Top 5 in their respective roles but they're still pretty darn capable nonetheless. The same cannot be said for Kenvi and Lost but they, too, have had great moments and are definitely worthy of playing on the LCS stage (for the time being, at least).

So what's the problem and, perhaps most importantly, who's to blame? Why haven't they been able to mount an offensive and actually do some "damage?" Your guess is as good as ours. Their last few games have been so darn bad it's almost embarrassing. They were the laughing stock of the region back in week one and that still hasn't changed — nor will it. To make things even worse, they're now scheduled to go up against one of the most dangerous teams in North America which means that another loss is all but guaranteed.

That'll surely affect their (already quite fragile) mental, so don't expect much from the boys in white and green going forward — they're just not cut out for the job.

100 Thieves Pinnacle 1.26 1 Win


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