2020-07-16 14:45:00

INnoVation vs Neeb

2020-07-16 13:17:41Posted by Immortal technique

Both players are pretty good, but Inno is just better than Neeb. His pushes are just brutal and I'm not sure if Neeb can take a win here. What I bet though, is that Neeb could take a map off Inno here. He played pretty well in the NA Part of Dreamhack.

For 3.25 odds. I bet that Inno wins 2:1 against Neeb.

Neeb (1.5) Bet365 1.80 3 Loss


Immortal technique 2020-07-16 17:20:04

Domination by Inno. Second game was kinda close at one point but overall deserved 2:0 Win for Inno.
