MAD Lions
(4 years ago)

MAD Lions vs Rogue

11 Apr 2021 - 14:04Posted by Petar

The 2021 LEC Spring Split finals are here and, needless to say, it's not the kind of finals any of us expected. Heck, we're putting it mildly here: this is a seismic shock no one saw coming. There is no Fnatic and no G2 Esports. Instead, we'll see a brand new champion crowned, one that has never before reigned over Europe. And that, in short, is absolutely spectacular. It is a historic moment many of us dreamed of, not because of any allegiance but rather because seeing G2 and Fnatic switch places atop the throne became rather stale and boring. It was always foregone conclusion and now, for the first time in what feels like an eternity, something new and exciting will actually take place.

Amazing stuff, really.

So, if you've got the time, make sure to tune in: history will be written for the first time in a while. Rogue or MAD will become the fourth organization since the inception of the LEC to lift its trophy. Talk about a historic moment! But, frankly speaking, we have already seen this match-up mere days ago — MAD Lions outclassed Rogue without much effort and eventually got their hands raised in 3-1 fashion. Did Rogue play their best that day? Absolutely not, but nothing can be taken away from MAD and their triumph -- they forced Rogue into a corner and pressured them into making a slew of egregious (uncharacteristic, one might add) mistakes. Competitive League is always a two-way street.

Plus, the fact that MAD Lions beat G2 Esports in exactly the same way tells us one important thing: they're currently the best-performing team in Europe, and it's not even close. They've beaten both of their biggest adversaries and they looked downright amazing in the process too. Elyoya and Kaiser, in particular, have delivered in every sense of the word and should, by all means, be able to push their team over the finish line yet again. This time, however, they'll be rewarded for their efforts -- their names will be etched in the LEC history books.

Now, it's not rare for a team to lose and then return a week later with a fresh strategy and get a bit of revenge. In fact, it's quite a frequent occurrence. Competitive League is not a simple equation, so we cannot treat it as such. The fact that MAD already beat Rogue recently does not guarantee them a win tonight as well. Both teams have grown and adapted to the best of their ability, and they'll surely be prepared now more than ever which means history -- no matter how recent -- is somewhat inapplicable.

Still, MAD have shown that they're more than capable of weathering the storm. Their two wins over G2 and Rogue are also a testament to their preparation and flexibility. They can truly play any sort of team comp or strategy at a high enough level which means they can pick and choose their avenue for success. Rogue, in short, will have their hands full. Finally, they had the luxury of sitting back and watching their opponent trade blows with G2 — a huge strategic benefit that'll surely give them an upper hand tonight as well.

In the end, we simply have to side with MAD Lions on this one, but it won't be easy nor will it be one-sided. Rogue are motivated beyond reason, and will surely give MAD Lions a run for their money.

MAD Lions Betway 2.05 10 Win


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