MAD Lions vs Royal Never Give Up
Talk about an absolute spectacle in the making! MAD Lions vs. Royal Never Give Up is more than enough to get our blood pumping and is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most exciting match-up of the day! Interestingly enough, these two champions (from the LEC and LPL, respectively) might be the two best teams at this year’s Mid-Season Invitational. And just writing such a sentence makes one feel... strange, perhaps? One of the one hand, we expected Royal Never Give Up to enter the tournament looking to a make a statement, but the fashion in which they’ve been winning has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. On the other hand, DWG KIA had even more hype and momentum behind their backs, but that resulted in very little seeing how they’ve failed to impose their will and have been struggling mightily ever since the tournament began.
MAD Lions, on the other hand, weren’t expected to leave much of a mark, but lo and behold — they’ve subverted everyone’s expectations and are looking pretty much like the dominant G2 Esports of yore. And, well, that’s about as high a praise as one can give. They’re confident, brash, and at times overeager. It’s an interesting mix, and they’ve definitely made this oh-so-important tournament endlessly more entertaining. Moreover, they’ve been winning far more often than most folks expected. They’ve yet to face DWG KIA or RNG, but the fahsion in which they had beaten everyone else definitely warrants our respect and admiration.
Still, this is RNG we’re talking about — they’ve yet to drop a game, and have beaten pretty much everyone other than MAD and have made it look easy in the proces as well. There’s very little we can criticize them for, and while they’re far from perfect, their spectacular teamfighting and sheer bravado offset any potential weaknesses or faults that might be on display from time to time. They’re the front-runners to win the whole tournament and, frankly, if they maintain this level of play they shouldn’t have much trouble in going the distance and subsequently hoisting the MSI trophy in a couple of days’ time.
So, simply put, betting on RNG makes the most sense on this one. There’s just no other way to put it. So if you’re after the “safest” possible bet (if there even is such a thing), going with the LPL champions is definitely recommended. Still, the odds on MAD Lions are simply too good to pass up, and they certainly have a puncher’s chance of upsetting, so we’ll side with them on this one, no matter how ill-advised it might be!
Game | Pick | Bookmaker | Odds | Stake | Result |
![]() |
MAD Lions | ![]() |
3.00 | 10 | Loss |