Natus Vincere
(4 years ago)
compLexity Gaming

Natus Vincere vs compLexity Gaming

08 Nov 2020 - 13:11Posted by LeOverFlow

NaVi is very shakey at this moment, their opening maps are usually bad, they need time to adjust, and even then their strategies are suboptimal. Their great strength lies in their lineup, roster is stacked and full of talent.

On the other hand we got Complexity, their squad mostly relies on k0nfig and blameF performance, if they deliver and complexity as a whole doesn't commit huge mistakes like MAD lions did vs NaVi, they should be winning this BO3.

Im certain that both teams won't give up that easy and even though when looking at rosters I would say NaVi are favored to win this game, I think Complexity will put up a great fight, that's why im going for over 2.5

Over 2.5 Betway 1.90 10 Win


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