Nordavind vs Japaleno
Nordavind (#55) vs Japaleno (#40)
Map prediction: Inferno (Japaleno's pick), Overpass (Nordavind's pick) and Mirage (Decider).
This is BO3 Swiss round 3 of Nordavind vs Japaleno in LOOT.BET Season 6. By rank alone Japaleno is the favourite. Bookmakers pick Japaleno as their favourite. From head to head players and match history Nordavind is better. Japaleno's form is better. Statistically Japaleno is better in Overpass but Nordavind could win in Inferno and Mirage. I think that Japaleno gonna win this one closely.
Game | Pick | Bookmaker | Odds | Stake | Result |
Japaleno | 1.75 | 6 | Loss |