2020-06-12 16:05:00

OG vs forZe

2020-06-12 13:30:02Posted by rainpainter

I think forZe and their performance in the recent 4-5 months is something really disappointing.

OG had much time to practice, take a rest, practice again and prepare a lot of new stuff to show to opponents.

The weakness of OG is mappool, but i would say individual skill advantage and, what's more important, playstyle, creates a real HUGE advantage for OG.

Firstly i wanted to take 2:0 victory for OG, but then i took a look... 1.63 for a victory of OG is decent enough to put my trust in it.

Better let's take it and put bet size of 10.

OG Pinnacle 1.63 10 Loss


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