Quincy Crew
(5 years ago)
Thunder Predator

Quincy Crew vs Thunder Predator

19 Apr 2020 - 16:04Posted by maniatico

When you win against Evil Geniuses with 2-0, you have to be proud because not many teams can do that. Quincy Crew did it and they are leading the group with 4 victories from 4 games. But I think that both team from the top of the standings will lose the games because both will have hard games to play. Thunder Predator is not a bad team, let's not forget they have 66% winning rate and they already lost 3 games from 5. They already lost against another Predator team, TNC Predator and most probably they will lose against Thunder Predator.

Thunder Predator Pinnacle 2.54 10 Loss


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