SK Gaming vs Fnatic
Fnatic is 1st in LEC (9W - 3L) while SK is in 8th (2W - 10L).
Fnatic has proved to be a favorite team for this split. Nemesis has played very well in the middle route, while Bwipo, even when behind, can make good plays and help the team.
Fnatic's weak point is its support, which is horrible, but Rekkles always carries him in the botlane, so I think that the only condition for victory for SK in this confrontation would be to explore the bot lane and play for the dragons ... see their past games, it’s hard to say that they’re able to achieve that.
One detail is that usually Fnatic starts losing and still manages to get around the game ... But when they come out ahead ... It is almost impossible to stop them. For this factor, taking into account the early game of the two teams, I believe that Fnatic is very favorite.
My guess is an overwhelming victory for Fnatic.
Game | Pick | Bookmaker | Odds | Stake | Result |
![]() |
Fnatic | ![]() |
1.11 | 8 | Win |