Team Liquid
2018-08-15 16:05:00

Team Liquid vs Fnatic

2018-08-14 10:08:21Posted by Qingno

Liquid win 2-0 with odds 1.67 or more.

Liquid last match was against VP in China Dota 2 Supermajor Final, result was 3-2 favoring on Liquid. Miracle used 4 different heroes in that bo5 matches.

Liquid used 18 different heroes in that bo5 matches as well, their draft just too wide and strong.

Fnatic also suffered a major lost against Team EG in Dota Summit 9 Final around 2 weeks ago. The result was 3-0 favoring on EG.

Although Fnatic do have chance to upset 1 map from Liquid here since it is bo2 match, however look at Liquid's performance from last TI until now, no way they are not trying their best to get a good opening in TI8.

Team Liquid 1xBet 1.67 3 Loss


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