Team SoloMid
2020-01-26 21:00:00

Team SoloMid vs Immortals

2020-01-26 20:36:04Posted by Petar

For our second match of the day, we have a clash of two premier organizations: Team SoloMid v. Immortals. If this was 2017, this would be a must watch. Today, however, other than seeing Team SoloMid's newest line-up in action, there's not much to get excited about.

Immortals had a pretty underwhelming showing against FlyQuest yesterday. Perhaps that's even an understatement. While they were pretty competitive early on into the game, things quickly went downhill from the moment FlyQuest reached their power and item spikes. A key team fight sealed their fate around the sixteen minute mark when IMT decided to engage on IgNar. The fight started on their terms but the force with which FlyQuest replied was immense and they quickly annihilated four IMT members after a quick (and bloody) team fight.

After that point, Immortals simply couldn't mount an offensive. FlyQuest didn't have an insurmountable gold lead, but they had a much stronger team comp and were unafraid of skirmishing. Immortals, on the other hand, didn't have an answer and were quickly overwhelmed. It wasn't exactly the quickest of games, but that's only because FlyQuest took their sweet time in closing it out.

Finally, Immortals' draft left a lot to be desired. Lucian in the mid lane, Cassiopeia in the bottom lane and Trundle in the jungle are far from highly coveted meta picks at the moment, and they failed to utilize them as well. They were out of sync and lacked impetus regardless of what they were doing.

So, in short, not a lot to get excited about.

Opposite them, we have an absolute titan -- Team SoloMid. This will be their first showing on the 2020 LCS stage, and they're looking to dominate straight out of the gates. They have all the right tools to do so as well, and while they might not look overly dominant in their first game, they're bound to become a spectacular challenger sooner rather than later. With Dardoch, Kobbe, and Biofrost by their side, one can argue that only Team Liquid and Cloud9 have what it takes to compete with them. There's no weakness, frankly, and they can win through any lane -- they can pick and choose their avenue for success. That's absolutely huge, and could become the driving force behind's Team SoloMid's potential return to glory.

Watching the compete today will be an absolute must as we'll be able to learn so much about how they want to play the game and where their biggest strengths lie. They might not have a lot of synergy at this point in time, but they have more than enough talent, experience, and mechanical prowess to get the win against a struggling (and underpowered) Immortals squad.

Team SoloMid Pinnacle 1.36 9 Loss


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