Team Vitality
(5 years ago)

Team Vitality vs BIG

05 Jul 2020 - 12:07Posted by photographytz9

Last year VITALITY has already taken three awards even won cs_summit4 and today in 2020 they will play cs_summit6 do not know whether the second time in a row after winning will succeed today to win. I think BIG is ready to beat VITALITY and win cs_summit6 because they had no awards in the last few months it was hard for them and now the BIG team recovers if even before FAZE and fnatic crushed only in the semi-finals slipped on vitality and lost 1-2 result. Vitality cs_summit6 has 5 win and no defeats meanwhile BIG 5 win and 2 defeats it I think a big chance must win BIG team I think they will not give up against VITALITY as happened in the semi-finals lost revenge they accumulated comeback will and will become cs_summit winners and will receive their first award VITALTY REST.

BIG Bet365 2.62 10 Win


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