Thunder Logic vs Monstars
Thunder Logic ranked #168 from the United States are clashing against Monstars ranked #121 also from the United States in the ESEA MDL Season 33 North America that has 22 teams competing for the prize pool of $1,500. This tournament is played online, and this is best of 1 type of match with Train being the map.
Thunder Logic map performance in the last three months: Inferno is at 100,0% win rate on three played maps - WON/TIED/LOST - 3/0/0, Nuke 50,0% on two played maps 1/0/1, Mirage 40,0% on five played maps 2/0/3, Train 40,0% on five played maps 2/0/3, Dust2 0,0% on two played maps 0/0/2, and Overpass with 0,0% win rate on one played map 0/0/1.
On Train, they played it five times, and the score is 2/0/3. They played 119 rounds and won 53, which is 40,0% win rate, they also played ten round and won three, converted, that is 30,0% win percent. Playing as Counter-Terrorists, they won 43,4% rounds and playing as the Terrorist side; they won 56,6% rounds. Their round win percent after getting the first kill is 62,5%, and their round win percent after receiving the first death is 28,6%.
They played two maps in February and won none. January was empty while in December they played 16 maps and won eight, converted, they played seven games and won three.
Monstars map highlights in the previous three months: Inferno 50,0% on four played maps - WIN/DREW/LOSS - 2/0/2, Mirage 33,3% on three played maps 1/0/2, and Nuke with 0,0% win rate on one played map 0/0/1.
They played four maps in February and won one, converted, they played the same amount of games since they all were BO1. In January they played four maps and won two, in other words, they played two games and won one.
OK, so it's quite hard to predict this one since Monstars haven't played Train in the last six months, so yeah, it will be pretty risky to bet. But the odds still favor them, so there must be something weird happening. I will go with TL to win with the smallest bet.
Good luck to all who bet, and don't forget to gamble responsibly!
Game | Pick | Bookmaker | Odds | Stake | Result |
Thunder Logic | 2.62 | 1 | Loss |