Tricked eSport
2019-04-22 16:10:00
Nemiga Gaming

Tricked eSport vs Nemiga Gaming

2019-04-22 07:04:18Posted by rainpainter

This is the 0-1 record second round of Swiss system in Kalashnikov Cup and in my opinion Nemiga are strongly underestimated in this match.

1. Nemiga improved themselves strongly in the last couple of months. Now they are much better, cold-blooded and well-organized than earlier. Though their individual skills are not that good, decent teamplay let them win the serious opponent.

2. Tricked recently made the roster change and switched the coach - it affects them strongly right now and they are not real power. They a still pretty good, but probably they are unable to beat the team that is on the rise. Like Nemiga.

3. If we talk about maps, i'd say there's an advantage of Tricked. In this cup, we still have Cache in the map pool, and Nemiga try to evade Cache and Train. Good for them it's bo1, so it won't affect them strongly, but Tricked can be more prepared for the match. Slightly advantage of Tricked here.

Despite on the small advantage by the map pool, i believe Tricked won't win this match. Probably we will see a hard battle, which will be won by Nemiga.

Nemiga Gaming 1xBet 2.22 7 Loss


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