Vega Squadron vs NRG
Vega Squadron ranked #19 from Russia are facing team NRG ranked #10 from the United States in the StarSeries i-League Season 6 that has 16 teams competing for a prize pool of $300,000.
This is a best o 1 type of match.
For Vega Squadron Mirage is at 75,0% win rate, Train 50,0%, Inferno 16,7%, Cache 0,0%, and Dust2 0,0%. Their most played maps are Inferno x6, Mirage x4, Train x2, Cache x1, and Dust2 x1.
For NRG Nuke is at 87,5% win rate, Overpass 85,7%, Cache 60,0%, Inferno 60,0%, Train 42,9%, Mirage 40,0%, and Dust2 0,0% win rate. Their most played maps are Inferno x10, Nuke x8, Train x7, Overpass x7, Cache x5, Mirage x5, and Dust2 x2.
Surprisingly pistol round in the last 30 days only on offline events goes to Vega Squadron who have 56,3% win rating over NRG who have 38,9% total.
Vega Squadron played two games in October and lost both. In September they played nine games and won four.
NRG played four games in October and won only one. In September they played six games and won three.
My prediction here will be total domination of team NRG. They fought hard to get to this tournament, and honestly, Vega Squadron has some good scores recently, but i believe they are lost in this tournament and other good teams will merely overrun them.
Good luck to all who bet, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
Game | Pick | Bookmaker | Odds | Stake | Result |
NRG | 1.44 | 10 | Win |