2019-05-29 15:15:00
Epsilon eSports

x-kom vs Epsilon eSports

2019-05-29 07:10:59Posted by Kekan

Hi guys. Sorry for my few days od absence, but I had worse time. I often say that i bet based on what I feel and i was feeling terrible last days, so i didnt post aby predictions. Lost a lot of moneys and didnt want anyone to lose with me just because im betting like angry kid (the moment when u bet ur last 2$ to win enough to buy ciggarets lol)

Coming to this im pretty sure xkom is gonna take it. If veto goes right way, the map should be inferno where they beat epsilon lasy time. Xkom is playing really well recently.

On the other hand Epsi seems to be overcoming their bad time, so its not 100% sure bet, but id give xkom about 70/75% to win so there is a little value :)

x-kom Bet365 1.72 4 Loss


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